UniFi Common Issues - Captive portal not coming up when connecting to network
Check Firewall Settings If your captive portal doesn't pop up the most common issue is that Spotipo servers are not allowed through firewall. To check this, go to firewall settings on your UniFi controller and check if there is a firewall rule called spotipoallow (it could be called differently if you have used a different name). This rule should accept connections coming from our servers. Configuration is pictured below. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ad897f1599b3PopularHow to configure UDM (PRO/SE) with Spotipo with new UI
For Spotipo to work as an external portal for your UDM, you would need a public IP for your location and make your UDM accessible over the internet. Please talk to us if you need help with this. Add a New Admin to UDM Pro It's recommended to add a dedicated Admin user for spotipo access. After logging into UDM, go to Admins tab and Add User (https://downloads.intercomcdnPopularHow to configure Official UnFi hosting
Official UniFi hosting is an excellent solution for small networks with prices starting at 29$/ month! In this article, you will learn how to configure your UniFi controller with Spotipo. Get the direct URL to your Server Login to your UniFi Cloud controller and use the Copy Inform URL option to get the INFORM URL for your APs. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/9652PopularHow to set up Port Forwarding for UniFi devices
Why and when to use Port Forwarding? For setting up a Spotipo captive portal with UniFi controllers, Port forwarding is necessary as it directs traffic from your public IP address to your UniFi controller using its private IP address and port number. Setting up static IP address for UniFi controller? Find the Device's MAC Address: Go to the UniFi Controller and navigate to UniFi Devices. Select the device you need to configure. The MAC address will be displayed in theSome readersConfigure Unifi Zone Based Firewall to work with Spotipo
This guide is complimentary to How to configure UDM (PRO/SE) with Spotipo with new UI. If this is your first time setting up Spotipo, after configuring Zone Based Firewall, continue setting things up with that guide. Unifi introduced a new Zone Based firewall to simplify firewall management by grouping network areas, allowing broader policies instead of numerous individual rules. This reduces coSome readersAdd local admin to UniFi controller.
Spotipo needs a "local user" aka a user that can be authenticated directly with your UniFi controller. In the current version of the Unifi controller, this is not possible to do from the new UI, however still likely from the old UI. Follow the below steps to do that. Switch controller to old UI Navigate to System -Advanced in the Unifi controller and switch the interface to Legacy. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/981d85d7dcc75000/2e8c6881-c742-4ae6-8ece-aa3e45cdSome readersHow to configure the Unifi controller hosted in the cloud with Spotipo
Prepare your Controller Make sure that your controller is reachable from the internet over port 8443. Please identify the external IP of your controller, and enable port forwarding if necessary. Check if you can access the UniFi controller interface by going to https://YOURCONTROLLERIP:8443 If you want to know the IP addresses used by Spotipo Cloud, check this link. Create a Local User On ySome readersHow to access the terminal on Cloud Key/UDM
UniFi allows connecting to the debug terminal on Access Points, Switches etc from the web interface. However they no longer provides an option to log directly into the Cloud Gateways ( Cloud Key, UDM, UDMP etc). However it can be done with a simple hack, this will work only if you have at-least one Access Point connected to the same network as the Cloud Gateway. Enable Debug Tools Log into the UniFi network application and, under Settings -Advanced enable the Debug Tools option.Some readersUniFi controller advanced Config
We have an automated wizard that will let you configure your UniFi controller. However for whatever reason if you like to see what are the changes we do to your controller, this article explains them. Before proceeding with this article, make sure you have configured your controller on Spotipo under Settings -UniFi Controller. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1023498952/fFew readersHow to debug an UniFi captive portal issue
Learn how to debug not getting the Splash Page when connecting to a Guest WiFi Network.Few readersHow to configure UDM Pro with Spotipo (legacy UI)
Add a New Admin to UDM Pro It's recommended to add a dedicated Admin user for spotipo access. After logging to UDM Pro, select the Users option. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/207595711/c44c7a1eff2fbbed57ce3151/image.png?expires=1739306700&signature=c5f838804e097d331e91c663a041ea8cd9822dae50710f2a086028415228894b&req=diAgE8B7moBeFb4f3HP0gMKz%2B2l95RI4XFfyHgj1Few readersUnifi Common Issues - "ERROR Unable to enable Internet"
Diagnosing the issue WhyFew readersHow to configure Unifi controller running on local machine with Spotipo
Learn how to configure Spotipo with a Unifi controller running on a local machineFew readersHow to configure Unifi controller(Unifi Cloud Key) with Spotipo
Learn how to configure Spotipo with a Unifi controller(Unifi cloud key)Few readersSetting Up UniFi Devices for Spotipo Integration (NEW UI)
This guide explains how to set up your UniFi device with Spotipo, including configuring local admin access (for UniFi OS devices only), enabling remote access, and setting up firewall rules (for UniFi gateways only). While this guide details firewall setup for UniFi devices, the specified IP addresses should also be allowed through any other firewalls in your network. This guide is written to reflect Spotipo's new User interface. If you're still using the old user interface, check our documenFew readers
Mikrotik fix guests needing to re-login each time they disconnect and connect
If you see that Guests on your Mikrotik have to log in multiple times a day, this might be caused by the Mikrotik Keep-Alive timeout. You can log in to your Winbox application and navigate to the Logs tab to check if it's the case. Check if you can see log prints that say, logged out: keepalive timeout. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/777381868/44915b746944668a613aaPopularHow to enable Incoming Radius connection on Mikrotik
Enabling incoming radius connection is required to let Radius server disconnect connected clients using CoA. Configure Port number and enable incoming Radius Packets (https://spotipo-747e55b0ea6c.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/206394785/06be56c47d2b136a782fcead/23fedc15-ef7f-4f9c-a726-b91808c3i1n6.png?expires=1739307600&signature=c24dbea8c6b93e4f61c9471de1892d382982d3639df0PopularHow to enable Spotipo Cloud hotspot on Mikrotik routers
Connect via a ethernet to a Mikrotik router. Get MAC Address of Router Find the MAC address of your AP by logging into Winbox and going to QuickSet. Look for MAC address listed under Internet. (https://spotipo-747e55b0ea6c.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/206474485/ff7ae570ad0e2172d1d4f3cd/d025fca4-f5e6-4532-91b5-4b45b01de08v0.png?expires=1739307600&signature=61781be625eaeSome readersMikrotik Common Captive Portal Issues
Check login.html file If your Captive portal is opening incorrectly, Similar to the picture below. You need to check your login.html file. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/uks4jouv/1238794760/1f81ffa0040c0824d6e1781dba47/WhatsApp+Image+2024-10-29+at+133647.jpeg?expires=1739307600&signature=32be2586c6542aa8a6a3ce8e995091ae7d5db39e75325779139c8aaa4008ddd7&req=dSIkHs53mYSome readersHow to enable HTTPS authentication on MikroTik routers
Use case for HTTPS/SSL? HTTPS authentication should be used if you want to set up a more secure authentication process for your customers. That means that customers authentication process will use HTTP instead of HTTPS. This also means that it will get rid of the Insecure content messages when logging in to your network. So this is a use case solving that issue as well. (https:Some readersMikroTik Common Issues - Authentication stuck on Loading screen
Why does this happen? ThisFew readersHow to fix data Usage not getting updated for Mikrotik hotspot
If you use the default Mikrotik configuration, Fast Path will be enabled for Hotspot. Hence data usage won't be tracked properly. To disable, go to IP -Firewall -Filter Rules. Look for the fast forward rule and disable it. Restart the Router to make these changes into effect. (https://spotipo-747e55b0ea6c.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/206411013/58df160a0c2Few readersHow to enable Spotipo Cloud hotspot on Mikrotik routers (New UI)
Connect via a ethernet to a Mikrotik router. Get MAC Address of Router Find the MAC address of your AP by logging into Winbox and going to QuickSet. Look for MAC address listed under Internet. (https://spotipo-747e55b0ea6c.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/206474485/ff7ae570ad0e2172d1d4f3cd/d025fca4-f5e6-4532-91b5-4b45b01de08v0.png?expires=1739307600&signature=61781be625eae7Few readers
Configure TP-Link Omada controller
Add a Omada Site in Spotipo Each location is represented by a Site. A site can have multiple routers (of the same type) Go to Site Selector and use Create A New location button. Select the device type as Omada (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/555990846/67b6c3300f87b48c6451b0c5/image.png?expires=1739307600&signature=5bd9b412d1d8227f993f4ff0d0734c73db30dfdfb18dc7PopularConfigure TP-Link Omada controller (New UI)
Add a Omada Site in Spotipo Each location is represented by a Site. A site can have multiple routers (of the same type) Go to Site Selector and use Create A New location button. Select the device type as Omada Decide the type of Hotspot. In the next step, choose what kind of hotspot you want to deploy. This can be later changed in Splash page settings. Press Save and createFew readers
How to migrate a Meraki site to a new splash page?
We have improved the Merkai integration to work without importing all Access Point details into Spotipo. These access point details were used to identify which splash page was to be shown to the Guest. I have improved it to generate a unique URL per location, so you no longer need to add your AP details in Spotipo. Existing sites will work as it is. However, you won't be able to add/remove an AP from Spotipo dashboard. How to migrate a site to the new integration? Login to your Spotipo acFew readersHow to enable Spotipo cloud Hotspot on Meraki Access Points
You can use Spotipo as a custom Radius server on your Meraki network. This allows using your existing Meraki network to deploy a hotspot without the need to have any firmware changes. Add a Meraki Site If you still need to do so, please create a Site with Meraki as the WiFi router. Please see this article on how to create a site. After creating the site, navigate to Settings -Meraki Aps. Here you can see the RFew readersHow to enable Spotipo Cloud on Cisco WLC controller
Add a Site Add a new site by clicking on the Add New Site button in the drop down menu on top right. Select site type as Cisco WLC, enter a name to identify and Save. (https://spotipo-747e55b0ea6c.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/206483935/ad1bbb8e5e22de37d8c3cf67/image150874i.png?expires=1739307600&signature=9f006b648ffa8a51ee867e0721baef179ed27262a9798280808b481d9Few readersHow to enable Spotipo Cloud on Cisco WLC 9800 controller
Add a Site On our spotipo website, create a site. Make sure that the router type is set to "Cisco WLC" (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/uks4jouv/1339690233/4cda3c8f77d85e688600f864f9d9/Screenshot+2025-01-17+104713.png?expires=1739307600&signature=ec830d29b0bdb93c7024ee8c6Few readersConfigure Meraki MX to use Spotipo
You can use Spotipo as a custom Radius server on your Meraki network. This allows using your existing Meraki network to deploy a hotspot without the need to have any firmware changes. In this scenario a VLAN on the MX will be configured with captive portal. Add a Meraki Site If you need to, please create a Site with Meraki as the WiFi router. Please see this article on how to create a site. After creating the siFew readersConfigure Meraki Go with spotipo
Add a Meraki Go Site in Spotipo Each location is represented by a Site. A site can have multiple routers (of the same type) Go to Site Selector and use Create A New location button. Select the device type as Meraki Go (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/373115383/cd7d2d809def1a4a3065b7ff/image.png?expires=1739307600&signature=481b5c8b2fe294042cd08e0c7e69ca6c06c88e0Few readers(NEW UI) How to enable Spotipo cloud Hotspot on Meraki Access Points
You can use Spotipo as a custom Radius server on your Meraki network. This allows using your existing Meraki network to deploy a hotspot without the need to have any firmware changes. Add a Meraki Site To add the Meraki Site, give your site a name, and select the router type. Since Meraki router doesn't show right away, on the Router page, select "See more routers" option. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/-/3/1/d/2/31d211a4f7cf1200/screenshot-2025-03-25-0941551df82blFew readers
How to enable Guest WiFi on Ruckus Zone Director
Create a Ruckus Zone Director(ZD) Site Add a Ruckus ZD site from the top right of the dashboard. Switch Site -Create New location -Ruckus ZD. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/340466896/59f163089eda194f0334fa25/ruckusZD1.png?expires=1739307600&signature=f39d0bfbafefd438e000f12f9888d0871aa59abd0fc151254516e3953cab4e53&req=dyQnEs94lYhZFb4f3HP0gGDsE5S8KmCXRTW1iDXMJNnXQFew readersConfigure Ruckus Smartzone Hotspot with Spotipo
Add a Site Each location is represented by a Site. A site can have multiple routers (of the same type) A new site can be created either while creating a new login or by clicking on the switch sites button and adding a new location. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/327840603/e841591620afe109d6e813b4/ruckusSZ1.png?expires=1739307600&signature=1cfa763262823cfc565cFew readersHow to enable Spotipo Cloud Hotspot on Ruckus Unleashed Access points
Create a Ruckus Unleashed Location If not done already, create a Spotipo cloud site with type as Ruckus Unleashed. Click on Switch Sites-Add New Location, and add a location with type Ruckus Unleashed, provide a name and Save the configuration. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/341308597/b862c0ecae11d80b3ad360e4/RuckusUL1.png?expires=1739307600&signature=b158c13fFew readersSpotipo on Ruckus Cloud
RUCKUS Cloud is an AI-enabled network management-as-a-service platform that enables lean IT to deliver amazing user experiences while making it simple to manage a converged wired and wireless network. To use Spotipo with your Ruckus Cloud network, start by creating a new Location on your Spotipo Dashboard (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/704793727/ef62f83d0d02216411b705f8/imFew readers
Aruba Mobility Controller Configuration
Add a Site A Site represents each location. A site can have multiple routers (of the same type) After adding the client adds a new site by clicking on the Add New Site button in the drop-down menu on the top right. Select the client you have just created, Site type as Aruba Mbc and configure the correct timezone and Save (https://spotipo-747e55b0ea6c.intSome readersAruba Instant On with Spotipo
Add an Aruba Instant-On Site in Spotipo A Site represents each location. A site can have multiple routers (of the same type) Go to Site Selector and use Create A New location button. Select the device type as Aruba Instant On (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/355534766/269b30b4ede049299be4db41/image.png?expires=1739307600&signature=7226f492dce6776f9e250aa23e0a64f8Few readersHow to configure Aruba IAP with spotipo cloud( firmware 6.5 + )
This guide is valid only for IAP firmware newer than 6.5 if your AP firmware is older, please follow For firmware versions 6.5+ site-type to use is "Aruba Central" Add an Aruba Central Site in Spotipo Each location is represented by a Site. A site can have multiple routers (of the same type). Add a new location by clicking "Switch Sites"-"Add New Location". (https:/Few readers
Public IP address not updating on Duck DNS
Why does this happen? If your public IP address isn't updating automatically on the DuckDNS site, it may be because your router doesn’t support DuckDNS as a DDNS provider. To resolve this, you have two options: Configure DDNS on the UniFi Controller – This will work if your UniFi controller is always on, but note that some users have reported reliability issues with UniFi’s DDNS settings. Install the DuckDNS Application on a Windows PC or Server – This app will track and updatPopularHow to enable reverse tunnel
If your UniFi controller/ Cloud Key/ UDM/ UDR does not have a public IP you, you won't be able to use an external portal solution like Spotipo. However we now have a reverse tunnel solution that will help you in such situation. The solution works by creating a reverse SSH tunnel from your controller to our server, so that we can access your controller. Enable SSH access on your UDM/CK/UDR MFew readersHow to enable spotipo cloud hotspot on Open Mesh APs
Add an OpenMesh network in Spotipo Login to Spotipo cloud portal and navigate to Openmesh Networks tab. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/337904839/46dfe2e721fea97be714ed89/openmesh1.png?expires=1739307600&signature=248d04dd82e978a1b3414a02bb40a0c3cb27f034b43305c3c48d88158c5a1b20&req=dyMgH8l6lYJWFb4f3HP0gLf4DDzb1mNXr5zqhwxDaXHNN4%2B3Few readersHow to enable Hotspot on IgniteNet Access Points using Spotipo
Create an IgniteNet Site Add a IgniteNet site by going to Switch Site -Create New location -IgniteNet. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/340652164/92b48deed8f4eedfe06b57c2/Ignitenet1.png?expires=1739307600&signature=1bfc087031392921090316b029d87bbbce7e2fe731bc28c5a4316a278eda0b4d&req=dyQnEMx8nIdbFb4f3HP0gIRglmO8HbEqmDjHVo9rOQ9EYdzHf70qymf6GTUb%0AsK3TkCqlrjvGcQWpoA%3DFew readersCambium Cnmaestro with Spoitipo
Add an Cambium Cnmaestro Site in Spotipo If you still need to do so, please create a Site with Cambium Cnmaestro as the WiFi router. Please see this article on how to create a site. Get Config Details from Spotipo After adding the site, navigate to Settings -Cambium cnMaestro (https://downloFew readersCheck if your reverse tunnel is active
Check reverse tunnel status To check if your ssh tunnel is active and running, you need to ssh into your UniFi Controller using command ssh root@<UniFi controller's IP address>. Log in using the password that you have set on your UniFi controller under SSH settings. After you've logged in to your controller using ssh, check the status of tunnel service using command: systemctl status spotipo-tunnel.service (this is the name of the service if you've followed this (https://docs.spotipFew readersSupported Routers
Following Routers are supported by Spotipo Cloud UBNT Unifi How to configure Unifi controller with Spotipo Cloud UDM Pro Mikrotik How to enable Spotipo Cloud hotspot on Mikrotik routersFew readersHow to set up DDNS
Why and when to use Dynamic DNS? For setting up a Spotipo captive portal with UniFi controllers, Dynamic DNS is necessary if you don't already own a Static public IP address or domain. It allows you to create a domain name that automatically updates to reflect your current public IP address, ensuring that the UniFi controller can be accessed externally even when the public IP changes. How to get DDNS sub domain? For our application, we recommend using Duck DNS if you don't have exFew readers