What are the ip addresses used by Spotipo Cloud
Following are the IP addresses used by Spotipo Cloud for connecting to Unifi controllers. Please whitelist them in your firewall if applicable. Few readersHow to Install SSL Certificate to Cisco WLC 9800
SSL certificates are essential for securing HTTPS connections on Cisco WLC 9800. They are also needed if you plan on using a captive portal solution like Spotipo with your WLC 9800 controller. This guide will walk you through the process of generating a .p12 certificate and installing it on the WLC 9800. Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have the following files from your Certificate Authority (CA) for your domain: Private Key: private.key *Server Certificate:Few readersHow to add a site to Spotipo?
If you like to deploy Guest WiFi at a location, you would first need to create a site in Spotipo. First click on the Go to Sites button on top right corner. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/784456385/e170c01d3e2aeb652aadd65b/image.png?expires=1739306700&signature=eb385c2d6232db0e88431ea62798a18fe68ad6b7829f6ef08f54946771636d25&req=cygjEsx4nolaFb4f3HP0gHix1JCQP4jMydpz6a3BozvaFew readersFacebook marketing using guest WiFi
Spotipo is an all-in-oneFew readersHow to use Customer Portal
What is customer portal? Customer portal is a tool that is useful for customers if they need to check their current subscription status, as well as for checking previous transactions that took place with this WiFi site. Customers can also get a better insight into the status of the device that are connected to the network. As they can see which devices are connected, how many data they've used, and how long they've been connected. It is also used for whitelisting devices that need to bypasFew readersHow to fix the wrong time on the dashboard
Suppose you see incorrect values for guests' tables, like guests logged-in in the future! It might be because of the wrong time zone settings. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/780096900/835e56f89a18a34921ca01e1/image.png?expires=1739306700&signature=2ed27a054ad361c8a2b6b935b564bf556d84bd59840a5d601fc860a0c774d80b&req=cygnFsB4lIFfFb4f3HP0gMzZxWWy7MFx82%2BuaHJ06TE6ojbx%2FB75Y9Few readersEnabling 2FA Login
Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) is essential to protect your online accounts from unauthorized access. 2FA provides an extra layer of security by requiring an additional verification step when you log in to your accounts. Steps to Enable 2FA Login to your Spotipo account and click on the Profile icon on top right In your Account page, navigate to the Security tab Click on the "Enable Two Factor Authentication" button (https://storage.crisp.chaFew readers