Prepare your Controller
Make sure that your controller is reachable from the internet over port 8443.
Please identify the external IP of your controller, and enable port forwarding if necessary. Check if you can access the UniFi controller interface by going to https://YOURCONTROLLERIP:8443
If you want to know the IP addresses used by Spotipo Cloud, check this link.
Create a Local User On your UniFi controller
If you don't have it already create a local use for your UniFi controller to be used by Spotipo following this guide.
Configure UniFi Controller Details in Spotipo
Navigate to Settings -> UniFi Controller
Click on the settings icon to configure the controller.
Select the controller hosted in the cloud and click Next.
Enter the hostname or IP address of the controller and click Next.
Enter the credentials of the local account you had created and click Next.
Select the Unifi site where you want to enable Spotipo and press Finish.
Now select the SSID on which you want to enable Hotspot.
Spotipo will configure Guest Policy for this SSID, press Save after selecting.
Verify that the controller is connected by returning to the Unifi controller tab, and the status shows "Online."