Articles on: Router Configuration

UniFi controller advanced Config

We have an automated wizard that will let you configure your UniFi controller. However for whatever reason if you like to see what are the changes we do to your controller, this article explains them.

Before proceeding with this article, make sure you have configured your controller on Spotipo under Settings -> UniFi Controller.

Login to your UniFi controller and navigate to Settings -> WiFi -> Choose the SSID you want to enable the portal on.

Enable the Hotspot Portal Option here and press Save.

Once that's enabled, there will be Hotspot Manager tab that will be available on the left nav bar, click on it.

Under landing page -> Authentication, disable all options and enable only External Portal Server.

Now click the Edit button next to the external portal and use as the portal address

Switch to the Settings tab and under Landing Page Settings, set the options as below

Enable Show Landing page
Enable Secure Portal
Enable Domain and use as the domain

Under Pre-Authorization Allowances, enter below addresses

Additionally add below domains if you are collecting payments from Stripe.\

That's it, sometimes these settings will be reflected only after restating the APs

Updated on: 11/02/2025

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