Articles on: Login Methods

How to create a payment-gated hotspot using Stripe

_This article helps you to monetize your guest WiFi by offering paid WiFi. You will need a router supported by Spotipo._

Add stripe domains to walled garden/pre-authorize list

Stripe uses the following domains to collect and validate credit cards. Please add them to the walled garden/pre-authorized setting of your Router.

Enable Payment Login

If not already done, enable Payment Login by going to Splashpage tab and pressing the Add button.

Connect your stripe account

Navigate to Settings -> Payment

Click on the Connect Stripe Account button, and connect to your existing account or create a new one.

Create Hotspot Packages

By default, there is are Free 15 min package and a paid-1-day package created.

You can create other packages by clicking on the Packages tab->Add package.

Provide all the necessary details and click on Save.

When Trial Package is selected, it means that the package is Free.

Testing it out

After you create the required packages, please go to SplashPage tab on the left.

A preview of your current landing page will be shown; there is a button DEMO which helps test out the Payment login flow without connecting a Guest to WiFi.

Updated on: 11/02/2025

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