Articles on: Router Configuration

How to configure Official UnFi hosting

Official UniFi hosting is an excellent solution for small networks with prices starting at 29$/ month! In this article, you will learn how to configure your UniFi controller with Spotipo.

Get the direct URL to your Server

Login to your UniFi Cloud controller and use the Copy Inform URL option to get the INFORM URL for your APs.

It will look something like ``

Hostname part of the URL would be your server address! In this case ``

Add a Local User to your Controller

Go to OS Settings -> Admins and press on the add button.

Create a new user with below configuration

Username and Password of your choice
Enable "Restrict to local access only"
"Use a pre-defined role"
Role type as "Super Admin"

Connect Unifi Cloud server to Spotipo Account

Now login to your spotipo dashboard, navigate to the Unifi Controller tab, and press the edit button

Select the controller type as UDM Pro.

Enter the hostname of your controller you have found out in step 1 as Controller IP

Provide the credentials for the local user you have created

Select the site where you want to enable Hostpot on.

Now select the SSID on which you want to enable Hotspot. Spotipo will configure Guest Policy for this SSID, press Save after selecting.

Verify that the controller is connected by returning to the Unifi controller tab, and the status shows "Online."

Updated on: 11/02/2025

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